Black Lives Matter: Navigating COVID-19 conversations with our families

Nearly 154 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in the United States. This progress in immunization is threatened by recent increases in COVID-19 cases, emerging variant strains, and an overwhelming amount of misinformation about vaccines. There are many resources to help you navigate vaccine conversations with hesitant friends, family members and colleagues. Some key principles to keep in mind for a successful vaccine conversation are to lead with empathy and respect hesitancy. There is a 402-year legacy of experience in this country that reinforces today’s feelings of skepticism, mistrust, confusion, and fear with entrusting health to a system that has betrayed and harmed Black people. In this regard, it is important to acknowledge uncertainty and be sure to communicate clearly what is known versus unknown. The CDC offers support with navigating COVID-19 conversations, listening without judgement, identifying the root of concerns, and sharing factual resources that help people make informed decisions about receiving a vaccine. The collective effort to contain the virus is ongoing and we all play a role. Learn more about the history of vaccine mistrust and how to prioritize equity around vaccines from the American Medical Association.

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